Implement vertex and fragment shaders as well as a CPU program to perform Phong shading with the Phong lighting model. The material data should be loaded from a Material Template File (*.mtl)
Implement the formulas of lighting computaton of a point light, a directional light, and a spot light
Grading Policy
Load the material data correctly: 35% (download test files)
Implement Phong shading with ambient light correctly: 5%
Implement Phong shading (diffuse, specular) with a point light correctly: 15%
Implement Phong shading (diffuse, specular) with a directional light correctly: 10%
Implement Phong shading (diffuse, specular) with a spot light correctly: 15%
Code organization: 10%
Report: 5%
Bonus: 5% (propose a way to visualize directional light or implement a microfacet model)