Multimedia & Visual Computing Lab. (多媒體視覺計算實驗室)

The Multimedia & Visual Computing Lab in National Taipei University was created by Dr. Yu-Ting Wu in Feb. 2022. The members of the lab pursue research in a wide variety of multimedia topics including computer graphics, extended reality, computer vision, and image processing.

Research Group

吳昱霆 (Yu-Ting Wu) 助理教授

Graduate Students
曾念馨 M2.5
劉勇佑 M2.5
王紘毅 M2
周玠妘 M2
劉育雯 M2
陳凱鴻 M1
林彥丞 M1

Undergraduate Students
張智堯 B3
陳子傑 B3
李彥廷 B3
蕭嘉宥 B3

2023 Fall - 2024 Spring: 謝羽軒, 吳宸豪, 蔡杰霖, 魏琦蓁, 林佑倫
2022 Fall - 2023 Spring: 陳佰賢, 陳玥華, 吳昱萱, 余炘璋

Last Update: Sep. 2023